
Thursday, December 22, 2011

Crock Pot Short Ribs

I have to write this down while I remember.  For some reason, I've been wanting to make short ribs for some time now.  I've had a hard time finding them at the store.  I finally did this week and, lo and behold, I couldn't find the recipe I had been wanting to use.

I scoured the internet.  I never did find one that I liked.  So, I winged it.  I tried to use spices that I would use on a standing rib roast.

1 large onion, diced in small pieces
Minced garlic
Beef short ribs (around 5 lbs)
Olive oil
Garlic powder
Onion powder
Ground red pepper
white wine


1.  Brown onion in olive oil.  Add garlic and saute a short time.  Make sure there is enough oil that there is some left.  (I probably used 1/4 c).  Remove garlic and onion from pan.
2.  Add some salt and pepper to the flour.  Dredge the ribs lightly.
3.  Brown ribs in olive oil, making sure to turn to get all sides browned.  Remove from pan, retaining remaining juices.
4.  Place garlic and onions in bottom of crock pot.  Add ribs.
5.  Combine garlic powder, onion powder, salt, pepper, ground red pepper and paprika in small bowl.  Add  spice mix to juices in pan and combine well, heating for about 2 minutes.  Add a small amount (1/4 c) of white wine.
6.  Pour wine/spice mixture over ribs.
7.  Cover and cook on low 8-10 hours.